If you are a student, you may want to consider opening one of these credit cards while you are attending school. Student credit cards offer unique savings and reward opportunities for those enrolled in a college or university. Here are some of today’s top credit cards for students:

One of the best student credit cards currently available is: the Discover It Student Cash Back Card. This card offers zero interest for the first six months and has no annual fees. If all that wasn’t already a great start, the Discover it Student Cash Back Card also offers an unlimited cash back match for the first year you have this card. This means that whatever cash back you earn using your card for the first year will be doubled by Discover. 

Earn Cash After Every Purchase With Student Credit Cards

Imagine getting $100 cash back thanks to all your student expenses and then getting another $100 on top of it. You can also receive a small cash bonus of $20 every year that your GPA is above a 3.0 for a maximum of 5 years. You also get a $50 bonus when you refer a friend to the Discover it Student Cash Back Card and they get approved. 

Apple Card

Although there is no specific  Apple Card for students, students can still benefit from the features that come along with the card. Along with no annual fees or late payment fees, the Apply Card also provides 3 percent cash back on all Apple product purchases, Uber related transactions and purchases made at Walgreens. If you are a student who owns or is planning to own an Apple product, opening an Apple Card is a great way to get money back on your investment. 

Wells Fargo Cash Back College Card

The Wells Fargo Cash Back College Card is let’s students earn 3 percent cash back on all gas, grocery and drugstore purchases. Students will also receive zero interest on purchases and balance transfers. The catch? The Wells Fargo credit card for students only offers these benefits for the first six months. After that, users will only receive 1 percent cash back on all purchases, which is still useful and can help students build credit. 

Additionally, students can also open an American Express student account. This is not a credit card, but American Express has great savings account options that may benefit students, so they are worth checking out as well. 

Similarly, students with a military background can take advantage of USAA cash back credit cards even though there are no specific USAA college student credit cards. These USAA cash back credit cards can offer benefits such as 2 percent cash back grocery purchases for the first year, low interest rates and more. 

By Admin