Knowing when it’s time to transition from your home to an assisted living facility may be different for everyone. This can be a challenging and emotional question to answer for many people. When you can no longer manage your own medication and health-related needs safely and independently, it may be time to consider assisted living. Seniors who choose to live in assisted living communities generally choose to do so because they need some degree of support throughout their day-to-days.

So, this can mean anything as simple as wanting to be checked-in on regularly in case of emergencies, or if you live alone. It can be good to be checked in on if you have a disability or trouble walking, or if you have a medical condition and your family just wants to make sure you’re okay throughout the day.

How Do You Know It Is Time for Assisted Living?

Or, assisted living can also be beneficial for those who need more extensive support in their day-to-days, such as needing help with taking a shower or bath, grooming, getting dressed, or other daily personal tasks. 

Temporary assisted living is also always an option to consider. Oftentimes, those who are recovering from major surgeries, injuries, or are struggling with new disabilities can try out assisted living to see if it helps their quality of life while they are adjusting or recovering. 

Oftentimes, seniors may decide it is time to join an assisted living community if they have degenerative health conditions like Parkinson’s, cancer, dementia, or Alzheimers.

When people are diagnosed with these conditions, the side effects are oftentimes not very severe. However, they become more severe over time. So, assisted living communities can be helpful to help these seniors adjust to becoming more and more disabled as they begin to need more and more extensive care. 

What’s more, many assisted living facilities offer to help by providing options to have the senior resident whose health is declining transition to a more full-time assistance program, such as a nursing home or a dementia center. 

By Admin